Melissa Blogged @ 12:03 AM
I've been regretting doing little little things and feeling guilty about doing little little things as well. It's like i do OR even THINK of something and after a few minutes i'll think about it again and feel ultra bad about it. Even if it's a small small thing that people probably don't even take to heart.
Omgosh mannn. I hope it ain't a symptom of depression. Rawr.
Brain dead. Melissa is brain dead.
Melissa Blogged @ 12:38 AM
ECP was damn fun. At first it was pretty quiet but later on hohoho we were screaming like mad kids set loose in the park. Yup so started with poker card games but got hijacked by the guys so i went to set up twister and dragged them there to play hahaha. Got very very twisted up and now i'm still aching but half the credit'll go to cycling. Followed by the munching of foooood which is great and i love sya alot! She put in SO much effort for this bbq together with her dearest mommy. Thanks syaaa! Then we went on to HEART ATTACK. Wb was SCREAMING like mad! Haha! But so was everyone else. :) So me and jeryl finished early and we headed out to the sand. Ros joined in soon and we sat there till dark throwing sand at daryl's leg and burring our own legs in the sand. Awul helped and STEPPED over our legs. Rawr! Yeah then we burried his and daryl's legs hahahaha. Me and ros sang PnW songs too. Fun fun fun! I kinda miss post con now. But ah well. Yep followed by doing action songs haha that was aweeesome man. Screaming on top of our lungs. And PIGGYBACKS LOLLLLLL. Damn scary to be piggybacked but fun too haha! Sya is damn strong man. :D Okay this is pretty brief.
Melissa Blogged @ 11:43 AM
So i got pretty troubled cause there's something bugging me all these while. I know it's pretty minor for some but yeah i still feel very bad about it. Talked about it and said a prayer and mannn that totally helped. Thanks sheepay!
I love God. <3
Melissa Blogged @ 12:15 AM
It sucks when you can't do anything to help someone else who's feeling down. It sucks even more if you said something wrong unintentionally.
Melissa Blogged @ 11:15 PM
It's 913 in the morning but it's alright because.. i'm finally getting caller id! YES. Trust me you don't know the pain of NOT having caller id. And you'll feel guilty whenever there's a missed call. And heh ahem nevermind i'll pass that. Soo, i'm still pretty tired. Gotta go tas!
Melissa Blogged @ 9:12 AM
Welcome to mars! Home of the fellow martians. Yup that's right, welcome to MY home! Mars is a MUST visit place for earthlings like you. It's HOT! A little red in colour here and there so one will probably get a little cranky over there but no worries! You'll learn to be more patient with one another like this. :) . STICTLY NO BULLS ALLOWED! (Fined 5 billion martian notes) Mars is pretty small so a three-day-tour would be just right to cover the whole of mars. That's right, instead of old 'Around the world (earth) in 80 days' all you need now is THREE days! How great can this get? :) You'll get to see a clear view of venus. Beautiful venus with beautiful venians there. When i say beautiful i mean B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L. (Hints) And for those who love the bright scorching sun this is the right place for you! If you get lucky you'll be able to get a PERFECT tann. So what are you waiting for? Grab your bags and sign up for this tour to mars!
*Package includes suntanning lotion suitable for direct sun rays and a sunglass to protect your eyes just incase it burns. And for ladies, a few strong fibre strings to tie down your men if he gets too into venians.
Melissa Blogged @ 2:19 PM
Okay so i had this very weird dream last night. It's seriously weird.
I think if i'm not wrong i was with some people and they urged me to go steal something. I was in nursing uniform haha then yeah i went to steal 30 million bucks. It was all in this small plastic bag which i have no idea how but yeah. Lol. So i ran ran ran with them passing guards and stuff. Then the guards starting chasing us. Then MORE guards started chasing us. So we went to the MRT station running here and there trying to find the correct place to take the train. Then somehow i felt extremely guilty, so i told them i'm going to return the money. So i went back and asked the lady if i could speak with her privately kinda thing and this darn reporter snapped my picture of me talking to her. So i just passed the money to that lady who later then said 'please give us back the money at least 17 million' or something like that. Then i told her it's 30m inside. And i apologised as well. She thanked me and all and blah blah blah.
SO. This reporter guy tried to blackmail me asking for 250k a day to not post my picture and a report on what happened on the newspaper. Then he chased us to snap pictures of my friends as well. He said that since i have like 30m 250k a day should be peanuts to me. I told him i couldn't cause i returned the money and stuff. But he wouldnt give up so we had to leave the country. Cause yeah all the newspapers printed out this article of me stealing those blah stuffs.
So i got all sad and depressed and tried to figure how i could leave the country without getting caught.
Um, then i woke up.
Feeling all sad and depressed. Emotions carried forward from a dream.
Melissa Blogged @ 10:16 AM
"Once upon a time.. The end."
CA is OVER and DONE! Yes!
Melissa Blogged @ 9:03 PM
Haha. Yes i'm bored. Meet Spike. I drew him on paint quite long ago. Ain't he a doll?
Melissa Blogged @ 7:46 PM
The thought about unfinished projects and upcoming tests is driving me nuts. My flu wouldn't go away. Even though it ain't serious, but having a block nose does not feel good. (SNIFF)
Melissa's dying. Somebody save her.
Melissa Blogged @ 7:36 PM
Okay today HPB was good haha. Got pretty lost at first everyone blaming GTS for his sense of direction haha. But we found it in the end. Yay for us. :D Anyway really glad to see everyone again. Totally threw my mood back on track. Now gonna look forward to the ECP meeting and thankies to sya for booking the pit haha! :)
Anyway yeah, the day went by pretty fast. Had to leave early so i won't be late for dental. Had loads of spare time before my apptment so decided to ahem, slack a little while at home so um ended up 15 mins late for dental. :X Hahaha. Tsk missy, punctuality is important. Anyway it's confirmed that in two months time it's bye-bye braces! Gonna miss it a little but ah well. Things gottaaaa go. :)
Think everyone's getting pretty sick. As in physically. Hopefully i ain't the one passing the germys around haha. Get well soon bingg! Now i've got the cough from some unknown place. Stupid microbes using underhand method of attacking us during our weak times. Rawr! Blah, just had another case of 'wanting-to-sneeze-but-can't-sneeze'. Horrriblee feeling. Anyone feel me? :( Hahahaha.
Week's gonna end soon hurray! Which means:
- Closer date to lunching with sunny
- Closer date to ECP
- Closer date to school re-opening
- Closer date to fun
Yippeee. Fun balanced with tough work of course. Haha. And bloody results. Bloody. Results. Rawr. Ah well! Apart from nonsensical projects, school work's pretty fun. [Do-not-kill-me]
Had a few rounds of solitaireeeee just now haha. Freakazoids we are. But we have a life, no worries. :X Hahaha. Alright that's all folks!~
Goooodnight bloooogiee. <3
Melissa Blogged @ 10:33 PM
Cause every guy turns out to be the same,
So now I'm questioning is it me to blame.
Sigh. Today's pretty um slack. In other words rather boring as well. Had a bad morning start with a very horrible tummyache. Nearly fainted but thank goodness i didn't. Got really pale according to sya. But glad to see sya today as well haha. Can't wait for wednesdayy! But i won't be in the same group as them :( . The last of group one, yup that's me. The ill fated 'H' (Huang) girl in the register.
I'm still tired. Need rest need rest need rest.
I'm sick damn it. Sore throat plus some very unknown flu. Sigh. Recover recoverrr.
Melissa Blogged @ 8:52 PM
Isit me or is my mood getting worse and worse each day.
Tried to sleep at around 10 yesterday but kept thinking all those nonsensical stuffs that's bothering me till around 11 plus i think. Got up once or twice as usual and tried to go back to sleep again. Overall, think i slept um better than previous days? But still not enough. Damn man, i feel like a walking zombie.
Mic results out. No i didn't do well, and no i didn't fail. I'm tired. School's never ever been this pressurizing before. I can seriously die from it. Sigh, better try to catch up soon.
Today's awfully weird. I started to think about alot of things. Things that've hurt me rather badly last time. Things that i've probably left at the back of my mind, all came bursting back. I have no idea why but trust me the feeling ain't good at all. Perhaps it's school that really get my mind off all these. Sigh. When will school start? :(
I need to scream. East coast, please come sooner.
Melissa Blogged @ 7:00 PM
Melissa's just not feeling right at all. Each day gets worse and worse for that little girl. Her mind's a mess and her head hurts like crap. She way too tired to think right. Today she even forgot she had to transfer bus on her way home. She'll always miss the staircase door on the third level and try her very best not to bump into things. She is forever thinking of something whether it's necessary or unecessary.
She closes her eyes and falls alseep immediately.
Melissa Blogged @ 7:45 PM
So, today's pretty um tiring and grusome. I don't know. I really don't. I'm quite lost now.
Melissa Blogged @ 8:12 PM
No, I can't let you go,
You're a part of me now,
Caught by the taste of your kiss.
And I don't wanna know,
The reason why I,
Can't stay forever like this.
Now I'm climbing the walls 'cause I miss you.
Today's alright i guess. The sisters were alright as well. I speaked to the nurse mangager as well :X She's pretty nice. Went to the eye section with amy as well cause i kinda missed it out yesterday. (Too into the foot screening :X) Yeah but i prefered yesterday more. Haha. But overall, still alright. Went to bukit batok met SYA and ORANGE! We were like crapping all the way there and copying and copying. But haha, i sure do miss the others alottt! Can't wait to see them on wednesday. :) And the class outing of course. Yippee! Rollerbladingg! :)
Yup, gotta do my project thingy now. Seeya!
Melissa Blogged @ 9:06 PM
Omg, the sisters (nurses) were like reallllyy nice. I was posted to the women's health department and the health screening department for the first day.
My first patient kinda had to undergo papsmeer. My sister's (sibling) first reaction was like omg you're traumatized. Haha. But it wasn't so bad. In fact quite alot of patients went through that. Out of 5 only 2 allowed me to go in. But i'm satisfied haha. Learnt quite abit like how to take the height and weight thing through the machine thing plus the BMI. I tried to do it once but zz machine failed me. But oh well.
Then i went to the diabetic eye and foot screening. Learnt alot of things there as well. (I kinda enjoy this one more though haha.) Maybe because i didn't have to stand through the whole thing like i did for the other one. :X Nah, kidding. Anyway yeah, learnt how the nurse actually assess the patients. The assessing's more or less the same and it's kinda like survey thing. Which is cool since i've learnt that in FON. All hail FON. Haha. OH YEAH, in nursing language, FON means 'Full of Nonsense'. Damn cute right haha! Yeah so i learnt about the neuro machine thing and i most of the patients that entered the room were old ladies and and old man. They're damn cute i tell you. Damn cute. The first old lady came in then speaked in hokkien to the sister and i was like nodding over there (Cause it's quite similar to teochew so i kinda understand) so every once in a while she'll stop and smile at me. The CHEESE smile. Very very cute. Haha! :) Then she say 'zhor missy ho!' Meaning being a missy's good haha. And she praised me for understanding. (Blushes) HAHA! But really, good day. Good day.
Yup, hopefully i'll get the kids tomorrow. Yippee! :)
P.S. Wen bing made this bloggie for me! :) Thanks siew bing!
Melissa Blogged @ 7:38 PM
It's an illusion, nothing is real this way.
Sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh.
I'm very very very very worried about my CA.
Sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh.
I'm very very very very frustrated.
Melissa Blogged @ 10:32 PM
Yep it's like 11.30 now and the night's finally over.
Last night i fell asleep pretty early in a very uncomfortable position. My sis was using the comp and all so by the time i woke up to shift myself back it was kinda 3.30 already. I got pretty scared after recalling the wonderful ghost story sunny told me. Didn't really freak out when i first heard it but at night.. -.- horrible terrible. Yeah so i sneaked into my sister's room to sleep cause i got too scared. Comp was on all the way, was tempted to use it but decided not to incase i get freaked out again or something. Having the window behind me while i use the computer is NOT a good idea. :(
Gotta go church soon. Gonna wake up ze piggay in the other room. :D (Sheepay's gonna suan me back for this)
Hope i'll remember to stuff newspapers into my shoe soon if not i'll probably get hell tomorrow when i'm doing my attachment. There's still scars left behind from my previous blister. :( But i've got a heel protector this time yay! Thanks sheeeepay!
Okay well, that's about all. I'm still pretty tired sigh. :(
Melissa Blogged @ 11:25 AM
HAHA. I just learnt how to upload pictures onto blogger. Yes, I'm abit slow i know. But here's DEAR DEAR DEAR TOM AND JERRY! The most adorable cartoon on planet earth/mars/pluto!
Melissa Blogged @ 9:24 PM
Okay yay! Here's my new blog. After thinking time and time again wrecking my brains over the new blog name. Don't really like it as much as my previous one but oh well. :) Satisfied.
Anyway i just got home from Eden's cafe. Brought sunny and sheepay there to lunch. It was goooood (as usual :X). Yup. Really glad we met up once more but too bad sheila ht and shi li couldn't make it. :( We were whining over there how long we haven't seen then (and each other). But oh well, guess there'll be next time. I hope.
Clinical attachment's about to start. That's why i'm currently very nervous.
--> look there.
Yeah, time really flies. Felt like we just began school but it's been two months already. (I'm not trying to be philosophical here.) But yeah school's great. Reaaally great. It's like a place where you can have all the fun you want but still catch up with studies. Yeah. :) I'm gonna miss school TONS. One month one month one monthhh. Totally insane. But ah well. I'm praying they cut some slack to our timetable this time. Cause it's pretty packed for our class compared to the others. And PLEASE dont make us change classes in year two. :( I'm gonna figure whether it'll really happen or not. Sigh.
I've been slacking these few days. Yup, exam's over. Thank goodness. So i'm in the anime craze now. Maybe i'll finally finish the fruits basket books i bought hahaha. Kyo! (Love him love him love himmmm)
Anyway today's also kind of embarrassing. Cause you know, almost everyone knows actually that my sense of direction kinda suck. So i went all the way to jurong east on the way to the cafe and i had to switch MRT. So i didn't know which side to alight. So i went on the right, scanned the board for Otram park, couldn't find it, walk THROUGH the mrt again, scan the other board, couldn't find otram park again and repeated what i did about four times with everyone on the train staring at me. So, i decided to call for help. (Rings sheepay) So sheepay told me to go by the clementi way. I scanned the board on my side (currently) and realize oops. Wrong side. So yeah i kinda panicked cause i didnt know you could actually go down to go to the other side. So i was like: 'Shit, sheepay i'm on the wrong side. How how how?' Yeah so i LOOKED CAREFULLY this time and i found bloody otram park on the board. Loser.
Yeah and i don't know, thought about alot of things on the MRT that i suddenly 'SIGHED' and i didn't know it was that loud arh. So the lady standing infront of me turned around and stared at me. Embarrassinggg. But yeah can't a girl sigh sheesh. (Hehe) Yeah so i was thinking that the world's kinda going way too fast. Technology and all those but basically, what happened to the good old days where trees and flowers surround you :( I still wanna live in a cottage someday.
Well well, been a pretty long post since.. um i don't know. Just pretty long haha. Wish me luck for my CA then. I shall sob about it here or laugh and smile about it here when it begins. :)
<3 fellow bobbas and microbes.
Melissa Blogged @ 8:26 PM